I normally have my blog ready to share by the beginning of every month, but this time I was finding it hard to write. With my emotions running high after a series of events that took place, I needed to step back and take a break — and that’s okay!
I began seeking God about what was taking place and asking Him to give me clarity. Then, this scripture came to mind:“Son of man, look with your eyes and hear with your ears, and fix your mind on everything I show you;” Ezekiel 40:4 NKJV
I believe God wanted to show me what was going on and why. He began to show me the reason for my reactions. I was then able to see how the enemy had targeted some vulnerable areas in my life; “fiery darts of the enemy!”
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12
The devil is such a liar. He strategizes against us, but remember, “A devil exposed is a devil defeated.” God showed me exactly what was going on. He not only gave me clarity, but direction about what to pray for.
God is telling us to draw close to Him, to seek Him, to ask, to cry out to Him. Why? He is our loving Father and cares about everything concerning our lives. We know that He not only hears but He answers because there is power in prayer!
“Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” James 4:8 NKJV
“Listen and hear my voice; Listen carefully and hear my words.” Isaiah 28:23 AMP
I want to remind you that whether there is chaos in your life or the world, don’t lose sight of the many attributes of our God, He is and will always be all that we need!
Here is a list for you to reflect on and be encouraged by.
God is infinite – He is self-existing, without origin
God Is immutable – He never changes
God Is self-sufficient – He has no needs
God is omnipotent – He is all powerful
God is omniscient – He is all-knowing
God is omnipresent – He is always everywhere
God is wise – He is full of perfect, unchanging wisdom
God is faithful – He is infinitely, unchangingly true
God is good – He Is infinitely, unchangingly kind and full of good will
God is just – He Is infinitely, unchangeably right and perfect in all He does
God is merciful – He is infinitely, unchangeably compassionate and kind
God is gracious – God Is infinitely inclined to spare the guilty
God is loving – God infinitely, unchangingly loves us
God is holy – He is infinitely, unchangingly perfect
God is glorious – He is infinitely beautiful and great
“Great is our Lord, and abundant in power; his understanding is beyond measure” Psalm 147:5
Father, let everyone who reads this be strengthened and encouraged to continue to go forward in the power and authority of Your might. You have given us everything to win and be victorious; help us to realize this and never give up! You’ve got this all figured out and this is why we come to You, because You are the answer and the source. You are not surprised but in full control! You are truly the present help in times of trouble. Amen.