Our Mission Statement


Winning The World

Individual Development

Neighborhood Evangelism


The word of God tells us that we, as Christians, should strive to develop the "Mind of God." This is why the word of God says in Philippians 2:5, "Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus." (NIV) We know that our Lord's attitude was to constantly strive to do the will of His Father. His mission and goal was to WIN and influence as many people as possible for the Kingdom of God. The Apostle Paul was able to develop the same mindset and attitude of Christ. He said, in 1 Corinthians 9:19, "Though I am free and belong to no man, I make myself a slave to everyone, to WIN, as many as possible." (NIV) So, it is with the sense of urgency and conviction that we at Connect City Church strive to develop the mind of Christ in as many people as we can WIN for the Kingdom of God.

meet our pastors


Pastors Art and Irene Valenzuela gave their lives to Jesus in 1975 and 1974, respectively. Not long after, in December 1979, they left behind the lives they knew to further pursue God’s call. Our pastors have touched many lives throughout the 40+ years they have been in Stockton. Their hearts for Stockton continue to grow as they see the need for Jesus in the city more than ever. Their desire is to reach and feed the people; plant good seeds; and watch God transform hearts and lives.

We are blessed to celebrate 40+ years of serving the people of Stockton and surrounding areas. We believe every member of the body is essential and would love for you to join us as God continues His good works in the lives of people throughout the city. We plan to continue in evangelizing the community; discipling men and women; training leaders; planting churches; and being a part of winning this world for Christ.