Rock Solid

With the same sentiment that David sang this song of praise to God, I sing my song of praise!

Psalm 18:2 AMP ​The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and the One who rescues me; My God, my rock ​and strength in whom I trust ​and take refuge; My shield, and the horn of my salvation, my high tower—my stronghold.

With everything that has been taking place around me, I can truly say God has been my rock, my place of safety and protection for sure. He’s the One who rescues me giving me strength every day. In Him I have found refuge because I trust Him.

The old song “I Go To The Rock” says, “The earth all around me is sinking sand on Christ the solid rock I stand, when I need shelter, when I need a friend, I go to the rock.”

Psalm 46:1 KJV God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble.

Many of us I am sure have found ourselves in seasons of needing God’s​ very present help. What reassurance to know that no matter what we go through, we are not alone and that we have access to receive the help, strength, comfort, and hope that we need.

Prayer is a powerful tool that we must rely on! 

In 1 Thessalonians 5:17 EXB we are challenged to “Pray continually ​[without ceasing]​.”

We must consider prayer as our lifeline!

In our family, we have a group text that we share amongst one another. Sometimes it’s funny, information, good news, or a prayer request.

Tuesday, June 30th, my husband was scheduled for a procedure at the VA Hospital in Palo Alto, which is a 1 ½ drive without traffic. Zöe, my granddaughter, offered to drive us in her new SUV. So, we left at 5:30 am to get there on time.

It was​ 6:42 am​ when my daughter, Lisa, sent out a group text “Prayer for Dad’s procedure this morning. For God to have his way, leading and guiding everyone involved or comes in contact with him today. Continued strength and healing for dad. A speedy recovery. A peace and comfort for dad and mom, AND TRAVELING MERCY FOR BIRDIE PIE AS SHE DRIVES THEM. I pray for each of our family members today, that You would meet every need that each person has individually and as a whole household. In Jesus name! THANK YOU JESUS FOR WHAT YOU’VE ALREADY DONE!! More to come!!”

I had just read the group text from Lisa a few minutes earlier. As I was seated behind Zöe, she was driving next to this big red truck. It seemed to be too close to her lane, and then started coming in even closer. I shouted, “Zöe!” We heard a scraping noise like he was scraping the whole side of her car. I didn’t know another big truck was merging in on her right. They sandwiched us in! 

Through it all, Zöe kept good control of her car. We took pictures of the truck’s license plate and cab. We were kind of in shock not knowing what else to do. I asked Art to look at the time he took those pictures and I looked at mine. It read​ 6:47 am​. Just ​five minutes​ earlier Lisa had sent the group text with prayer for traveling mercies!

When we arrived at the hospital, we looked at the side of her car expecting the worst and ​all she had was a little scrape on her side mirror. We had just experienced a ​miracle! ​

The power of prayer is real! We serve a God who is real!

I just want to encourage you to stand on the Rock in these trying times. Do not forget to find your refuge in Him through prayer!