
Every August 8th, I reflect back on the day of my wedding. It was the year of 1970. I was 18 and Art was 21. I had just graduated from high school, and Art had just completed a one-year tour in Vietnam.

In July, Art was home for two weeks before having to report to Fort Sill in Lawton, Oklahoma for his last six months of service in the U.S. Army. With one week remaining, he said to himself, “It’s now or never.” So, he came to my house and said, ”Let’s get married and I’ll take you with me to Oklahoma.” We told our family, found a chapel and were married, all in one week! We were broke and only our immediate family could attend the ceremony. Art’s brother and sister-in-law were baptizing their baby on the same day, so we combined parties and everyone pitched in to get us a room for the night. All my dreams of having a big wedding went out the window, but it didn’t seem to matter.

Even though we loved each other, the year of being apart hadn’t helped our relationship. We had a rough start.

Now, let’s fast forward to our 25th anniversary in 1995. We renewed our wedding vows in Stockton where we were pioneering our first church. I wore a white dress and was able to have a reception. It was a very special time with friends and family who came to celebrate with us. Art surprised me with a carriage ride, and we were able to afford a beautiful room at Wine & Roses in Lodi. This time around we were more mature and had overcome the many hurdles that had tested us.

So now, let’s fast forward to another 25 years!  Wow — we made it! The funny thing I was thinking about is how when you see old couples who are celebrating their 50th, they usually show you their old wedding picture along with a current one. I laughed because now we are one of those old couples! Time and years rush by so quickly. It’s hard to imagine, but here we are 50 years later! God has been good!

Because of the way things are today, plans of any kind of celebration are on hold. I would love to be in Hawaii right now, but I’ve been told that we will be doing something special!

Our marriage still has its hurdles, but because of Jesus being the center of our lives, we have been able to overcome them all! I have heard it said that it takes three to make a marriage work — husband, Jesus, wife. The challenge is for two individuals with their own ideas, learning to work together with their differences and being able to come in agreement with one another. It is a lifetime investment that you must be willing to make in your relationship and reap the rewards later.

“For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh; so then they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no man separate.”  Mark 10:7-9 NKJV