My 50 Year Milestone

My story is not unique, and you’ve probably heard many like it before, but I share it all for the Glory of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

On March 31, 1974 I was at a pivotal place in my life, I had just given birth to my daughter Lisa in January.  A year prior Art and I had been seeking for something more in our life.  We had religion and were faithful to our tradition but felt a void and a need for something more.

My sister in-law invited us to her church, which we visited several times but never committed. On this one day, I was at home watching a TV Preacher and his words penetrated my heart.  He asked the question, “If Jesus were to return right now, would you be ready?”  My immediate response was “No!”  It was on that very day that I got down on my knees in my living room and gave my life completely to God!  I knew it was what I needed to do for myself regardless if Art was going to be ready or not!  Well he wasn’t ready! 

This led me on a journey in discovering who God really was and being able to have a relationship with Him; I didn’t know much about the Bible and the fact that I could read it for myself without having someone interpret it in a language I didn’t understand.

Church attendance, Prayer, Bible Study, Fellowship and my Gospel Music became my lifeline!   It was a long rough year before Art finally surrendered his heart to the Lord! After that, the ball really started rolling and God was moving in our lives!  We served faithfully in the Church and also in the Music Ministry.  Our band did a lot of street outreaches and traveling, and ministered wherever we had an opportunity!  We loved God and were excited to share the Gospel and even had an opportunity to record 2 vinyl albums prior to being launched to Stockton!

Long story short, I had no idea what God had in store for my life, I just knew that I needed Him and took that step of faith! And I still need Him today, 50 years later!  God has been good to me, faithful through all the highs and lows.  My journey is not over and I have yet to see all that He is going to do in and through my life!  One thing I know and believe is, God’s plan for my life is “GOOD” giving me a “HOPE and a FUTURE!” Jeremiah 29:11


I couldn’t do life without Him!

I’m so grateful for His love and continual work in my life.

Wherever you’re at in your journey, stay connected to the vine and you will bear much fruit, because without Him you can do nothing. John 15:5