For Such a Time as This

Have you ever noticed how resilient women are? How they can rise to the occasion when necessary, and do what they gotta do? Well, I believe that is a special quality that God has placed inside each one of us!

When I started to think about myself and the many tough situations I faced throughout the years, I realized that there was a special quality built inside of me that kept me going, refusing to give up. 

I was reflecting on December 2019 when my husband had his heart attack. I can now see how I kicked into another gear and had to navigate in an unfamiliar place. Then, 2020 happened and brought the pandemic and threw us for a loop! This situation brought change to what I knew as normal. 

I once again shifted gears and had to quickly make some adjustments. I could have retreated or given up but instead something inside of me caused me to get more aggressive, more vigilant with a fight in my Spirit! I told my husband we will do what we gotta do and I started helping with teachings and preaching, and whatever else was needed to keep things going! Even now we are still facing changes and challenges, but I continue to find my strength in the Lord!

I have observed that same quality in the lives of many women as well. Moms who do what they gotta do for their kids or those facing life’s challenges and refuse to give up! 

In the Bible there were some pivotal moments where women demonstrated these unique qualities and were in the right place at the right time.  

Esther 4:14 “If you keep quiet now, help and freedom for the Jews will come from another place. But you and your father’s family will all die. And who knows, maybe you have been chosen to be the queen for such a time as this.”

What a statement! We never know what a difference our life will make by the way we handle or respond to a situation.

In Judges 4:7-9, Barak doesn’t want to go to battle without Deborah. She responds, “I’ll go with you; but I’m warning you now that the honor of conquering Sisera will go to a woman instead of to you!” So she went with him to Kedesh.

Judges Chapter 4:17-21 
Sisera ran away and found refuge in the tent of Jael. Sisera was exhausted and soon fell asleep. Jael took a hammer and drove a tent-peg through his head into the ground, and he died.

Don’t give up girls! Remember when life throws a situation at you, kick into another gear and bounce back. Fight back and be the resilient woman God created you to be!

Philippians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Blessings from one fighter to another!