December Song

“He put a new song in my mouth, praise to our God!  Many will watch and be in awe, and they will place their trust in the Lord.”  Psalm 40:3 ISV

It’s probably hard to imagine that I could have a new song in my heart after losing the love of my life, but that’s the kind of God I serve!  He gives beauty for ashes; joy instead of mourning!  

Recently I was reflecting on the goodness of God in my life, and when Art and I came to Stockton in December of 1979.  We had no idea what the Lord had in store for our lives, all we knew was that God was going to do something in this City and He was going to use us!  We started with just a phone number which led to 4 people and that was the beginning!

Matthew 19:29 ISV 

“In fact, everyone who has left his homes, brothers, sisters, father, mother, children, or fields because of my name will receive a hundred times as much[ and will inherit eternal life.”

That was one of the scriptures we hung on to because we were venturing out and leaving everyone and everything behind! This month will be our 44th year here in Stockton and I am able to see how God used our lives to reach so many people!   We were not only able to see lives changed but developed new friendships and added new family members too!  We also had the privilege of traveling to other Cities and Countries sharing the Gospel. Yes, I can say that our lives have been blessed a hundred times over by coming to Stockton and giving our lives totally to God’s plan!

Most of all I am thankful that I got to enjoy life by Art’s side and was able to share these moments together! Like he would always say; “GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME AND ALL THE TIME GOD IS GOOD!”

God can put a new song in your heart too!  He is the God of turnaround!  Trust Him!