How many can agree that waiting is one of the hardest things to do?

●     Waiting in lines!

●     Waiting for the red light to change!

●     Waiting for our food or coffee order to be ready!

●     Waiting for the day to be over!

●     Waiting for the Seasons to change and on and on!

Wait!  Wait!  Wait!  Yup, we don’t like waiting!  Yet, it is something we all must do and have no control over.  Oh, did I say control?  That’s another soft spot! We like to be in charge, handle things ourselves and do it in our own timing, don’t we?

What am I getting at?  What happens when God asks us to wait? If we have surrendered our life to God, then He is the One in control or should be! And we all will go through the waiting process.

Psalm 27:14 NKJV

Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord!

1. We are asked to wait on the Lord.

Definition of wait= is to remain inactive or in a state of rest, as until something expected happens.

●     That means not moving ahead on our own.

2. Be of good courage. 

Definition of courage= is the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc.

●     Having a right attitude.

3. God will strengthen our heart.

Definition of strengthen= is to give strength to.

●     God will enable you.

In any given situation God is trying to teach us to wait for Him to come through on our behalf.  He wants us to grow in the area of faith and trust in Him and will give us the strength to do so. Each day in serving Jesus is an opportunity to grow our Faith and to grow in Relationship with the One who knows us best!

Our Heavenly Father is doing a continual work within our lives, let’s allow Him to finish what He started. So the next time you have to wait in line, stop for a red light or even wait for your food & drink, “Smile” and remember waiting is just part of the process!