
“It is He who changes the times and the seasons…" Daniel 2:21 AMP

We all know summer as a time of hot temperatures, outdoor activities and fun vacations. But as we look around now, we can see the start of another season, autumn. The leaves are turning from green to orange and reddish brown, and the temperature is starting to drop. 

God’s word tells us each season has a purpose and each one is necessary:
“To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven.” Ecclesiastes 3:1 NKJV

So it is with our lives. There are fun times when things go great and we feel good. Those are usually times we are excited about life and what God has for us. Then, we begin to experience change and no longer feel the same excitement.

I believe that God uses everything to teach us and bring growth and maturity to our lives, but yes, there will be those moments when we want to cry out, “God, where are You?” Seasons of growth and stretching don’t always feel good. Sometimes God even moves from those old familiar places to get us to dig deeper.

“I was crying to the Lord with my voice. And He answered me from His holy mountain. I lay down and slept, and I woke up again, for the Lord keeps me safe.” Psalms 3:4–5 NASB

Yes, seasons will come and go exactly as God has planned. Just remember that God really loves you and He knows what you need in order to be the best you.

“So, Lord, bring back the good times, like a desert stream filled again with flowing water. Then those who were sad when they planted will be happy when they gather the harvest! Those who cried as they carried the seeds will be happy when they bring in the crops!” Psalms 126:4–6 ERV