Out with the Old, in with the New

Well, if you're reading this blog it means you survived 2020! This was surely a year of many surprises, some good and some not so good. Many people experienced great loss because of the COVID-19 outbreak, and life as we once knew changed. We all felt the impact from job loss, business closures, church restrictions, and deaths of family and friends. 

Then, add to that the things that had nothing to do with COVID but nevertheless had an impact on us as well. For me personally, I felt like I was slammed on all sides physically, spiritually and emotionally. I was reminded of the message I preached “Rock Solid Foundation,” that guarantees we will remain standing when our life is built upon the rock… I survived! You survived! We survived!

I am so thankful for the faithfulness of God through each and every storm. I was able to see God show up on my behalf. I am stronger. My faith is strengthened. I am determined and committed to see God’s best for my life! 

God spoke to my heart recently and said, “I am in control of the seasons.” God wants us to put our total trust in Him because He has promised to never leave us nor forsake us. He knows exactly what He is doing!

Lamentations 3:22-23 New Living Translation
The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.

In Christ, there is always an endless supply of whatever it is that we need. Let’s make it a point to continue on our journey, believing and having full assurance in the One who not only saved us, but who is also able to keep us!  We really do have a hope and a future!

2021 is a new year and we don’t know what it will bring, but we do know the One who is in control! My prayer for you is hope, faith, trust, and blessings in this new year!