A Time to Rest

How many of you know that we could go about our plans and our to do lists before even asking God what He wants? Well, that is exactly what I did when I started on this Sabbatical. My plans were to get away for 10 days and seek the Lord about the upcoming year, praying, planning etc. Upon arrival, one of the first things that God spoke to me was the scripture

“Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10

God was telling me that I just needed to be still and rest, with no agenda and no planning! This was to be a time for me to do nothing! Do you know how hardi it is to be still? Still =remaining in place or at rest;

This was the second time I got away and started to do the same thing, plan, plan, plan! Jesus went away many times to pray and rest before coming into a crowd to minister. We too need to find time to get away and do likewise! So not only must we be still but we also must know that He is God.

Know=to perceive or understand as fact or truth; to apprehend clearly and with certainty. We have to know that God is BIG enough to handle everything and be at peace with that truth. God=Our Everlasting Father, The Alpha and Omega, Way maker, Prince of Peace and so much more! How many know that we could all put so much upon ourselves, relying on our own strengths, talents or knowledge? But it’s not about us at all, it’s about God and His will and His timing for all things. May we all learn to step back and rely upon God even more in the days ahead. With all that said, Lisa and I had a great time in Hawaii experiencing God’s Creation first hand, the Ocean, Sunset, Moon, Rain, Fish, Flowers, Trees, Fruit and People!

“Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. Genesis 1.31 NKJV

Thank you Father for the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful things you have created and the reminder to be still and know that you are God!