A Page In My Journal

On this crisp cool Saturday morning in October, how do I put into words the highs and the lows of these past few weeks?. Still trying to process the overwhelming loss of my husband Art and how even though we knew he had Pancreatic Cancer, we kept hoping and praying he would be healed! We all know that  death is inevitable for us all but when faced with it you tend to hope for just a little more time. Fifty-five years together raising our Family and Pastoring the Church just wasn’t long enough!

I know that I will face new challenges in this next chapter of my life as I step into this new position and carry on the Vision. God has shown me that I am not alone and the overwhelming  support from many of you validates that.  I am so grateful for all those who have reached out to me because this has given me great confidence!

I have wrestled with this for quite some time but God has reassured me that it’s for such a time as this. New strength, new insight, new growth and new intimacy awaits me;

 “For I can do everything God asks me to with the help of Christ who gives me the strength and power.” Philippians 4:13 TLB

It’s only when you step out and step into what God has for you that you experience something so awesome, something you can’t experience otherwise!  

My advice to you is “TRUST HIM.” His Peace abounds! His Grace abounds! His Faithfulness abounds! His Love abounds!