Connect City Church

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Real Friendship

Every month I sit down and ponder on what to share in my blog.  Usually I write about things that are on my heart at the moment.  There have been some times when I wonder if anyone is even reading these blogs or if I should continue?

So to those of you who take the time to read my blogs, THANK YOU!

Real Friendship 

Lately I have found myself very busy and trying to find the time to get away for a Sabbatical.

This is something that Art & I found very necessary and would take the time to do.  It’s a time of refreshing, a time to stop, unwind, rest your body and mind and be still before God!  We found that if you don’t take time to retreat, refresh and reconnect with God you will be operating on Spiritual fumes!  This is not a vacation but a Sabbatical!

So as I was trying to figure out where to go, I knew in the back of my mind where I wanted to go! And one day while texting with my friend, she happened to tell me that she was coming into town and asked if she could stay with me?  I told her that my house was full right now but that we would make it work!  I was happy for the opportunity to be a resting place for her!

While in conversation I mentioned to her how I loved staying at her place last year and would love to go back for a Sabbatical.  She replied “Sure, you’re welcome anytime!”  Thank you Jesus for working it  out!  He knows how much I need this time alone!

The morning after my devotions and thinking about how God made everything fall into place for both of us this verse came to my mind.

Proverbs 18:24 NKJV  “There is a friend that sticks closer than a brother.”

As we talked that morning, it turns out that we both had the exact same verse in our morning devotions!  Not only did we read it but we were experiencing it! Something special was cultivated in our relationship that day!

There are those times when we really need a friend, someone who gives us space, a listening ear, a timely prayer, a kind word and even a place to rest!  If you have relationships like that, consider yourself blessed!  I’m grateful that God has provided that for me! We never know what someone might be going through, what they might need at the time.

Let’s make it a point to be that friend that will stick closer than a brother for them.  One day it might be you that is needing that kind of a friend!

Luke 6:31 ERV  “Do for others what you want them to do for you.”

God knows it all, sees it all and is there for us all!  Be blessed!