My Story


I got saved at the age of 21. I was a young mother of two and a stay-at-home mom. My husband and I found ourselves in a place of discontent. Although we were faithfully attending the church of our traditional upbringing, there was still this void inside. The life we were living, having parties and social gatherings trying to be happy, still did not fill the emptiness.

My sister in-law had went back to church and shared the gospel with us. We attended church with her a couple of times. Both Art and I were convicted by the message and responded to the altar call. But not being familiar with Christianity, we returned to life as normal. I was searching, hungry for something more. 

I remember Art buying me my first Bible. I began reading it at home while he was at work. Then one day while watching a TV preacher, he asked the question, “If the Lord were to return today, would you be ready?” My immediate response was NO! I knew there were things in my life hindering me that I had to let go, so I asked for deliverance. I got on my knees in my living room and re-dedicated my life to Christ. From that moment on I was changed!

Well, I can tell you that my husband wasn't as excited as I was! Salvation meant I would no longer participate in that old lifestyle. I made this decision for myself and it didn't matter if I had to serve God alone.  

So, I faithfully went to church on my own and tried my best to be a good testimony to my husband. This was not an easy road! I was being tested to my core and at the same time God was doing something beautiful in my life. Things in me began to change, the way I thought, acted and reacted! My husband still wasn't saved but was seeing a noticeable change take place in me.

We had just bought our first home, and I remember dedicating it to the Lord for his use. I wanted things to be different in this house.

Although I had a desire to work outside the home, God had a different plan. He began to show me, as the “nurturer” in my home, what my responsibility was. It was to spiritually teach and prepare my children for Him. This was the total opposite of what I was thinking. You see, I grew up independent and ready to conquer the world. I had no intentions of staying home! But, thanks be to God because not only did I obey God, but He answered my prayer and saved my husband!

I understand now that God had to prepare me for what was ahead. We got involved in the Music Ministry (Art’s passion), started a band, and began traveling and ministering wherever we had opportunity.  

After five years, on December of 1979, we were launched out to Stockton to start a church in our home....What a journey! We have been faithfully doing the Lord's work going on 40 years now. I have been saved 46 years and we have 4 adult children, 15 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren.

I count it all a privilege!

I invite you to connect with me on Facebook and Instagram as we build a community of women who are all still under God's construction.


Irene Valenzuela