Connect City Church

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I noticed recently that the word ‘turnaround’ has come to my mind quite often.  I began to think about the many times in God’s Word when He turned things around for His people. Their situation could have been grim, “But God!”

Look at the verse in Isaiah 43:19 NCV

“This is what the Lord says. He is the one who made a road through the sea and a path through rough waters. He is the one who defeated the chariots and horses and the mighty armies. They fell together and will never rise again. They were destroyed as a flame is put out. The Lord says, “Forget what happened before, and do not think about the past. Look at the new thing I am going to do. It is already happening. Don’t you see it? I will make a road in the desert and rivers in the dry land.”

We serve a God that is able and willing to do the impossible! This month is a turn around month for us!  First of all we have past the one year mark for Art’s survival battling Pancreatic Cancer!  The Doctor said he had 4-6 months to live and he’s still here!  And because of that we are Celebrating our 52nd Wedding Anniversary!  God is so good!  To think that God would take a 18 and 21 year old and place us on this remarkable journey speaks volumes about the God we serve!  He truly did a turnaround in the direction our lives were taking and gave our lives purpose and meaning!

Because of all this I am excited to announce that this month Art and I will be going to Hawaii! Last October when our church blessed us for ‘Pastor Appreciation’ with money to go to Hawaii, I thought it was a long shot!  I didn’t even know if Art was going to make it to December!  “But God!”

I am thankful for the faithfulness of God throughout our journey and those special ‘turnaround’ moments when God decides to show up and show off!

Be encouraged that no matter what you may be facing today, God can show up at any time and give you a ‘turnaround’ moment!  Don’t lose heart on your journey but continue to trust in the One that loves you more than you’ll ever know!