Connect City Church

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There is a story in Joshua 4 that talks about stones of Memorial, it was a memorial placed in the center of the Jordan River to remind the generations following of the miracle God had done for His people.

We too have memorials in our own lives of what God has done for us.  

These stories should be shared with others.  Maybe it was:

  • survival over a great opposition!

  • celebration of a special achievement!

Whatever your memorial may be, tell your story because someone will be encouraged by what God has done for you!

John 21:24 PHILLIPS

Now it is this same disciple who is hereby giving his testimony to these things and has written them down. We know that his witness is reliable. Of course, there are many other things which Jesus did, and I suppose that if each one were written down in detail, there would not be room in the whole world for all the books that would have to be written.

Have a blessed day and know that there are more memorials up ahead!