Connect City Church

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Love For A Lifetime

Matthew 5:16 AMP

Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good deeds and moral excellence, and [recognize and honor and] glorify your Father who is in heaven.

 August 8th would have been our 53rd Wedding Anniversary for Me and Art, and as I sit here reminiscing back, it was just months ago that we were in our favorite place Maui, Hawaii Celebrating our 52nd Anniversary.  Art and I went to all our favorite spots and stopped to visit our friends Guy and Lorraine at ”Hawaiian Shaved Ice.”  She hadn’t seen us for a while and as we shared with her the journey we were now on we all cried! We had been friends for a long time and shared the love of God each time we were with them. This time Art asked if he could pray for her and she said sure, it was a special moment! 

 It was a day before we had to leave and we started packing our suitcases and getting ready.  Art wasn’t feeling well and was unable to sleep all night!  We called Hospice and they ordered meds which didn’t help!  I decided to extend our stay 2 days since Art was in no condition to fly!  I was praying and asking God to make him feel better so we could come home.

In the morning as I was sitting on the balcony of the Condo and praying a white dove came and landed beside me and just looked at me!  I knew God was letting me know that He was with me! The next morning as I was again on the balcony praying and trying to figure out how I was going to manage Art and the luggage by myself, God impressed these words upon my heart, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”  Once again God reassured me that I wasn’t alone! That morning I gassed up the rental car, turned it in and got a wheelchair to transport Art and and all our luggage to the Airport.  An elderly gentleman offered to help assist me across to the Airport.  He made arrangements for luggage check and another person to transport Art, I just wanted to cry because there was no way I could do this on my own!  After Art was situated I walked the attendant back and began to share our testimony with him, I told him how Jesus could make all the difference in his life too!

Once again while at the Airport in Sacramento we were assisted to the curb and I jumped on the shuttle to get our car.  Every step of the way God provided someone to help us and I just wanted to cry!  We arrived home and Lisa, Elijah and Jojo showed up to remove our luggage!

Why am I sharing this with you?  Because I want to reflect on the goodness of God in time of adversity. This was a very difficult time for us but God continued to show us His faithfulness.

 I want to thank Him for all the wonderful years I was able to spend with the love of my life!  There will never be another Art and there will never be anyone else for me!  I miss him terribly but just like God impressed upon my heart that morning on the balcony “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” He continues to let me know that I am not alone on this journey!