Connect City Church

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As I was walking through my bedroom today, I caught a whiff from the fragrance of the dried roses that I recently saved for a memory. This part of my journey has caused me to embrace and experience the true value of love that is being extended through relationships called “friends.” Many of whom have extended themselves to come alongside and be a help to me and Art during this time.

Some friendships do not last, but some friends are more loyal than brothers.
Proverbs 18:24 GNT

Friends are reaching out through texts, phone calls and even coming to spend time with us. Our hearts are grateful for the many prayers and we are truly blessed! I recently told Art, “You are reaping what you have sown. You have helped so many and now it’s coming back to you!”

Let us not grow weary or become discouraged in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap, if we do not give in. So then, while we [as individual believers] have the opportunity, let us do good to all people [not only being helpful, but also doing that which promotes their spiritual well-being], and especially [be a blessing] to those of the household of faith (born-again believers).
Galatians 6:9-10 AMP

In spite of what is going on around us in the world, God has created a community of true believers who love Him and demonstrate it in word and deed. God is love and His love runs deep. In fact, it was demonstrated on a cross that you and I might benefit from it. Let’s never forget where love started and how that love is poured out in us.

Life is too short to miss out on all the blessings both big and small that happen every day around us. Look for those hidden treasures, a smile, a kind gesture from a stranger, those short conversations with your neighbor, an encouraging word, text or email, the sun shining on a bright day, the flowers blooming…. I’m sure you can add to the list! We can allow so many petty things to rob us from enjoying life, let’s decide today to turn that around and make the best of every moment, choose life, choose joy, choose love!

As Resurrection Day is almost here, let’s choose to celebrate Jesus and all He did to make every day possible. Then, let’s live it to the fullest! Hallelujah! He is Risen!