Connect City Church

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Are You Watching Your Step?

Have you ever been walking down the street and stumbled over a rock or something that was on the ground?  We probably all have because we were not paying attention to where we were going.

But on the other hand, to not pay attention to our Spiritual Walk could also be a dangerous thing! It could be like the old saying “the blind leading the blind.”  When someone is following someone else and not even knowing where they are going!

Ephesians 5:15 AMP

Look carefully then how you walk!  Live purposefully and worthily and accurately, not as the unwise and witless, but as wise (sensible, intelligent people).

I recently went to see the movie entitled “Jesus Revolution'' which took me way back!  It reminded me of the simpleness of the Gospel message that changed my life!  It caused me to want to be in every Bible Study and Church Service and serve Jesus in any way I could!

I recently watched another movie on Pure Flix entitled “Church People.”  This movie focused on the latest and the greatest marketing techniques that are being used to grow a church today.  It showed how the Pastor was more concerned about numbers and not souls!  He was being driven to outdo the last gimmick with something bigger and greater!  The good news is that the Pastor does come to his senses and repents at the end, but the sad news is that there are many Pastors and Churches that are doing the same thing!  They’re trying all these marketing ideas to grow their church.

When you have been saved as long as I have, it’s not hard to see how far from the truth the pendulum has swung!   What happened to preaching the Gospel?  It’s no longer about Salvation, Prayer and Bible Study and developing Disciples who serve one another! 

No, instead the focus is inward, people are looking to see what the Church has to offer them.  

  • Coffee Shop  

  • Plenty of Programs 

  • A fancy lit Sanctuary 

  • The latest Worship Music  

  • A message where you can just feel good and nothing is required of you.

Today Church has become just a social gathering where people leave the same way they came in, unchanged!

It is no wonder when Jesus saw how the temple had become a marketplace, that he became angry and turned over all the tables of merchandising! I wonder what He would think about the churches today?

1 John 4:1 AMP

Beloved, do not believe every spirit [speaking through a self-proclaimed prophet]; instead test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets and teachers have gone out into the world.                                                                                                                                     

Our Spiritual Walk should take precedence over everything.  Don’t just follow the popular preacher, or the trendy church but check to see if they are in alignment with the Word of God. It is important that you take the time to vet (research) the people you are listening to, because today anyone and everyone is given a platform on the internet.   

Ask yourself:

  • Do I just listen to any preacher?

  • Do I tend to follow the trends and what is popular?

If your answer is “yes” then my advice of caution is to ”work out your salvation with fear and trembling” and not take it lightly.

As always I hope to help or inspire you with the things that I share out of a heart of love!
